We have assembled an extensive network of development partners to help us build and commercialize Wave2OTM. We maintain relationships with leading academic institutions and research labs and have established commercial partnerships with providers of desalination systems and related components that can provide engineering expertise and equipment as well as local personnel and infrastructure in our target markets. Our network of partners also includes federal, state, and local organizations, trade associations, standards organizations and certification bodies.

U.S. Department of Energy
Since 2009 the U.S. Department of Energy has provided a continuing series of research grants to Resolute to develop and test its Wave2OTM technology.

African Development Bank
In 2016, Resolute received a $1.0M Sustainable Energy for Africa (SEFA) grant from the African Development Bank to conduct a series of site characterization and feasibility studies for Resolute’s first commercial Wave2OTM project in Cape Verde.

European Union
Resolute has been the recipient of funding from the European Union pursuant to its “Horizon 2020” and “Interreg Europe” programs

Marine Institute
In 2018 Resolute received an “Industry-Led Award” from the Marine Institute in Ireland

Ocean Wave Energy Trust
The Ocean Wave Energy Trust is funding state and federal permitting and stakeholder outreach activities associated with Resolute’s planned next round of ocean trials at Camp Rilea in Warrenton, OR.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
In 2013 and 2014 Resolute partnered with the USACE to conduct a series of ocean trials at its Duck, NC field research facility.

UNC-Coastal Studies Institute
In 2012 the UNC-Coastal Studies Institute provided valuable support for the ¼-scale ocean test program at Jennette’s Pier in Nags Head, NC.

Department of Commerce/ U.S. Commercial Service
The Department of Commerce/U.S. Commercial has supported Resolute’s participation is several trade missions and events through the years.

In 2007 Resolute began working with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the development of early versions of its hydrodynamic code.

University of Michigan
The University of Michigan was a sub-contractor to Resolute on DOE research & development projects awarded in 2011 and 2013. The projects were focused on advanced control system for WEC arrays.

University of Minnesota
The University of Minnesota has been a sub-contractor to Resolute on DOE research & development projects since 2017. The projects have focused on modelling and testing hydraulic powertrain systems.

Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech has been performing an on-going series of geotechnical surveys related to a feasibility study Resolute was conducting for a rural electrification project in Yakutat, AK.

University of Victoria
The University of Victoria and Resolute partnered in 2012 on an initiative entitled “West Coast Wave Initiative.” During this project, U.Vic. validated and updated Resolute’s hydrodynamic modeling tools.

Applied Renewables Research
Applied Renewables Research is led by Dr. Matt Folley who is world renowned for his work in marine renewables and especially for his research and practical experience with the WEC type being developed by Resolute.

Water Globe Consultants
Water Globe Consultants is led by Nikolay Voutchkov who is world renowned for his work in with desalination technologies and especially for his research and practical experience with desalination systems powered by renewable energy resources.