In its Spring 2021 quarterly edition, the Journal of Ocean Technology (JOT) published a paper written by RME co-founder and COO Olivier Ceberio entitled “Finding a Sustainable Niche for Wave-Driven Applications: Clean Water from Ocean Waves.”
The JOT is a scientific periodical published by the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland. It is designed to cater to all segments of the global ocean technology community. Its mission is to expand global knowledge and understanding of ocean technologies, to serve as the medium for publishing world-leading research, and to promote innovation that contributes to responsible ocean utilization and management.
The Journal of Ocean Technology is available by subscription.
About Resolute Marine: Resolute is developing an innovative technology that harnesses ocean wave energy to produce fresh water and electricity in off-grid areas of the world and provide relief from the harmful economic and social effects of water scarcity. RME’s principal goal is to improve access to clean water for coastal populations and agricultural operations in developing countries and islands and to displace the diesel-powered systems that are in common use worldwide.