RME files FERC Preliminary Permit Application for Alaska Wave Energy Project

July 16, 2012
Today RME filed an application for a preliminary permit at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the proposed Yakutat Wave Energy Project to be located on state submerged lands in the Gulf of Alaska off the coast of Canon Beach in Yakutat, AK. The permit will allow RME to identify the optimal location for the project, conduct studies to aid in the preparation of a license application and most importantly, gather input from state and local resource agencies and other stakeholders to ensure that the project is developed in a manner that will maximize benefits to the local community. The project has been assigned a docket number of P-14438 and within the next few months, FERC will issue a public notice of the application which will provide an opportunity for the public to submit comments. All documents related to the preliminary permit application are available on FERC’s eLibrary system. RME CEO Bill Staby commented; “Filing the preliminary permit application with FERC represents a significant turning point for RME in that we’re now transitioning from being focused almost exclusively on technology development to building capabilities and experience in the deployment and operation of commercial projects.” “We think this is great news for the City and Borough of Yakutat which has been extremely helpful to our efforts and also for the State of Alaska and especially for its rural and native communities that are dependent upon diesel generators for their electricity needs.”