RME CEO Steps Down as Chairman of U.S. Delegation to IEC TC-114
December 22, 2014
Resolute Marine Energy CEO Bill Staby has stepped down as the Chairman of the U.S. delegation to IEC TC-114, the committee that, since 2008, has been developing technical specifications and standards for the marine energy industry. He will be replaced by Jonathan Colby who is the Director of Technology Performance at Verdant Power
In his parting message to the 70 or more industry professionals who have contributed considerable time and effort to the 16 currently-active project teams Staby said; “I want to extend a sincere ‘thank you’ to all who have served the US TAG over the years. In my opinion the United States has created the largest, most skilled and most dedicated team of TC-114 standards development professionals in the world and we should be very proud of that. The work you are doing is moving the marine renewable energy industry nearer to the point where banks and insurance companies can contribute to the growth of the industry and that is an incredibly positive step in the right direction.”
Staby will continue to serve on the newly-formed Marine Energy Operating Management Committee (ME-OMC) which is part of the new Renewable Energy Conformity Assessment System the IEC established last summer (IECRE) and he will continue to help rebuild the US marine renewable energy trade association through his work on the National Hydropower Association’s Marine Energy Council.