Today RME hosted Professor John Lienhard, the Director of the Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy at MIT, and 11 of his graduate students at the RME development lab in Newburyport, MA. During the visit, discussions centered on the growing global demand for clean fresh water and how the technology under development by RME could play a vital role in addressing this critical need. Following the meeting, Professor Lienhard said; “We enjoyed our visit very much and are grateful that the RME team took the time to meet with us.” “The students found it particularly interesting to learn about how ideas developed during graduate level research can be translated into a start-up company, and also to better understand the non-technical challenges that accompany such an effort.”

Commenting on the MIT visit, RME CEO Bill Staby said; “Desalting seawater is widely viewed as critical to supplying the world's growing fresh water needs and it’s gratifying to know that MIT is heavily focused on developing innovative solutions.” “We look forward to continuing our close relationship and are confident that we can develop wave-driven desalination systems that promote better health and prosperity for under-served populations around the world.”
The visit concluded with a tour of the RME’s development lab and review of the equipment being readied for testing.