During the week of June 6th – 10th, RME successfully completed another round of scale-model tank tests of a second-generation SurgeWECTM prototype at the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation & Enforcement (BOEMRE)
Ohmsett facility in Leonardo, NJ. RME Senior Engineer Cliff Goudey commented, “This round of tank tests were of great value to our technology development program.” “A large facility such as Ohmsett not only provides more reliable performance assessment, but its wave-making capabilities allowed us to do our "model" tests at the same scale as the ocean tests we are planning for this fall.” “Indeed, the device and all associated test apparatus will remain largely unchanged between the two venues which will allow us to make more rapid progress under our DoE-funded Phase II SBIR R&D program.”
RME CEO Bill Staby also commented: “We were pleased that several officials from FERC and DoE took the time to visit us during the week to observe first-hand how SurgeWEC works and how rigorous tank testing protocols and experimentation can reduce the real and perceived risks associated with deploying these devices in the ocean.”