Resolute participates in CIREC technical conference
November 15, 2007
Resolute Marine Energy, Inc. CEO Bill Staby represented the marine renewable energy sector in the "Cape & Islands Energy Technology Strategy Workshop" held at the Woods Hole Research Center in Falmouth, Massachusetts. This invitation-only workshop served as the kickoff meeting for a project, "Renewable Generation & Electrification: Technology Strategy for the Carbon-Constrained Future," recently funded by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
EPRI is a worldwide leader in the research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) of advanced electricity technologies. This new project supports an ongoing "Beyond Cape Wind" community planning process, initiated in 2005 through Cape & Islands Renewable Energy Collaborative (CIREC), that encompasses the electricity, transportation, and heating fuel sectors working together to implement the Cape & Islands Regional Energy Action Plan, which provides a framework for pursuing ambitious goals for energy conservation, efficiency, and renewables within the context of shared objectives relating to economic growth, environmental quality, community well-being, climate change, and sustainable development.